Wednesday 9 August 2017

Little things again

Appreciate the little things that happens in your life. Learn to always look at the brighter side of your life. It is our nature to lay a lot of emphasis and focus on the bad. Many of us have observed that when a good person does something bad or abnormal, we forget all the good that (s)he has done in the past. Unfortunately this also happens at an individual level. We concentrate on what we do not have or our weakness while we can gain a lot in focusing in our many areas of strengths.

It was after one of the continuous assessment tests that one of my student scored 7 out of 30. When I pointed out to him that he needed to check on how to improve on his score, I was a little bit surprised by his reply. He told me, in fact that he was so over joyed and excited by his performance. Why? Since as far as he could remember he has never scored anything above a 5. I was moved by his confidence and belief on how the little marks (to me) meant a great stride in his understanding of mathematics. The boy went on to pass his entry exam and ended up graduating with a bachelor degree. He later established his own company and is doing quite okay, to say the least. He believed in the little strides he made and to him they were a sure sign of a great future.