Integration of Scholarship, Research and Professional Activities

 a)    Kahenya, P.N. (2017) The use of social media to facilitate real-time eLearning in  Keengwe,             J and Bull, P.H (2017) Handbook of Research on Transformative Digital Content and Learning         Technologies pp 171 - 183. Hershey: IGI Global
This book chapter focused on how eLearning facilitator has utilized the 'social media' tools such as Whatsapp, Google docs, Twitter, Facebook among others to facilitate real-time eLearning. The chapter attempted to justify why facilitators need to factor in such tools since most if not all their learners are using such tools. The incorporation of such tools aims at making learning process learner centred. Let the facilitator attempt to utilize tools that learners are already familiar with instead of investing enormously on new programs that are not learner friendly and sometimes are not compatible with tools that are trending. 

b)   9th July 2016 AFELT workshop on Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning in Large Classes. AFELT aims at equipping higher education instructors with skills that enriches the teaching/learning process. Large classes are a major headache especially in public university. Though it is our own creation in an effort to commercialize education. Unplanned expansion of higher education has not translated to effective pedagogical skills due to limited facilities and well trained manpower. AFELT aims to address the issue of sound pedagogical skills among its members.

c) Kahenya, P.N (2015) Algorithms for generalizing the relationship between the determinant of any matrix  and determinant of a matrix that results from increasing an entry of matrix by a scalar  presented at KU 2nd international mathematics conference on June 2015
My other area of interest is learning mathematics. The idea behind this paper was prompted by 'wrong' working by a student in my class. A close interrogation of the working revealed some patterns and hence the paper. Sometimes wrong working may reveal some hidden unknown truths. It is also not right to dismiss a mad person. He may say something that may trigger some deep thinking. As a facilitator of the learning process it is good to listen and reflect on the reasoning or thinking of the learners. It may give you insight into their mental thinking and may also initiate deep thinking on the part of the facilitator. 

d)   An Analysis of University Basic Mathematics Units’ Learning Outcomes: A Case of Kenyan Universities paper presented at EAQAN conference May 2015. 
The outcome of this research gave an insight into the shortcomings of some of the course outlines
used in our institutions and beg the question if the facilitators are equipped with adequate 
pedagogical skills and curriculum design skills. It also put into focus on what should be the 
priority; equipping universities facilitators with  the necessary pedagogical skills that can be used to 
transform and mentor learners or emphasize for more content accumulation by acquiring more 
academic papers.

b) Research on Errors
My Master of Education Thesis’ research on errors committed by students in the topic of logarithms have assisted me in planning for effective strategies to use so as to reduce the occurrence of some of the errors that a teacher is likely to anticipate their occurrence. Errors committed during problems solving can be anticipated. According to Kahenya (2000), teachers are in a position to anticipate the types of errors students can commit and therefore are in a better position to come up with strategies that can minimize or eliminate the occurrence of such errors. My experiences in the research enable me to inform students in advance the errors that they are more likely to commit.

 b)         PCAP Seminars and Research

Introducing dialogue in class discussions and PCAP seminar outcomes has been valuable to my practice. Topics on reflective practice, action research, assessment and feedback, active learning in higher education among others has been of great value. Reflection in action and on actions as a teacher has been quite revealing (Moon, 1999). It has sharpened my inquisitive skills and desire to know what challenges my students encounter. It has led to improved reflective skills (Raelin, 2000).