Monday 29 January 2018

Take the risk and assume the next person is good

We should take the risk of assuming that children are always full of good intention. We should not always assume that one is evil or likely to do wrong. Suppose we take the risk of assuming that all drivers are good? Is there a probability that we can easily eliminate the incidents of car crashes, traffic snarl-ups that are due to not being courteous? How can we do away with pride, self-importance, and I-am-always-right attitude? Humility can change the way we relate to other people and bring a sense of satisfaction to one-self. A humble personality can change the face of humanity. Try to be humble today. Take the risk of assuming the next person is obviously full of good intentions. Do not be proud that others should respect you because of your position in the society. Be anonymous, and say no to the spirit of self-importance and disrespectful attitude and see how your day will proceed. Let the story of a local primary school head who took the risk of placing tissue papers in students’ washrooms, inspire you. People advised him that it was not wise since the pupils would steal the tissue rolls, but he took the risk that children are always innocent and good people. He believed that he has a God given call to help the child to discover his potential and it will be so unfortunate if somebody already have a preconceived mentality that children are thieves. It negate the whole purpose of letting our children go to school. He proved them wrong. This testimony brought to mind why is it that there are no tissue rolls in public universities washrooms whereas you will encounter clean washrooms in private universities? Is it a reflection of what kind of human relations exists in the two institutions?