Friday 28 July 2017

Overcoming life's barriers

Reflecting on a problem helps one focus on the way forward. A prolific blogger Akolo (2017) observes that, 'human beings have so many self-imposed barriers' and , 'often think that we can't do things as well as those people'.  One need to reflect on a key issue that you suspect is pulling you down.  What can you do to change the way you are doing things, thinking, viewing of pertinent issues of your life? Everybody has his or her own strengths and approaches that can be harnessed to effect the right and productive change in ones life. Your way is always the right  one since you will own it and love it to implementation. 

Thursday 27 July 2017

Little things in life bring a lot of Joy

Sometimes when you look around and see or hear what is happening, you just wonder if life's hassles are worth it. Do you derive joy from seeing a new day, a new sunshine or do you start by complaining how tough the day is going to be? Or how you are going to slave for the whole day and get peanuts for your sweat? Do you work to be paid or to derive joy from doing good to others and to yourself too.
Of late, we have witnessed the passing on of extremely wealthy people. Was it worthy to accumulate all that wealth and yet when the time come you leave it behind? or it  just became meaningless, worthless, actually useless, the moment you actually need it most? why do people struggle for years or even decades, to get a position or a promotion that makes you accumulate so much material and yet at the end, you leave it all: to some people who did not even struggle for a day?

Is it a high time you appreciate the person around you; be it a stranger or otherwise? Is it a high time we appreciate seeing the new sun, the new moon, the chirping of the birds, your health, the 'little' you have and is rightly yours? We should be happy since we can breathe, walk, sit, see, hear, feel, laugh.

Be happy for the little things. Someone out there cannot see, walk, feel, laugh.

Today appreciate what you rightly have and move on to the next hour in peace and joy!

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Acts of Kindness and the Joy of Life

Simple acts of kindness can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to your life. Showing kindness to your fellow human being irrespective of their social-economic status, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, intellectual abilities or any other attributes can bring the ultimate joy in your life. There is no better personal therapy than a dose of unbiased act of kindness to another human being. The injustices, inequities, and other imbalances in the human race may be eradicate by simple acts of kindness. Giving out your heart to a fellow human without no strings attached, expecting no gains in return. The act of giving freely and unconditionally, and impulsively jumping to any occasion of giving, helping, listening, being their for a fellow human, may transform your life for the ultimate joy of being alive. Try it.