Wednesday 26 July 2017

Acts of Kindness and the Joy of Life

Simple acts of kindness can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to your life. Showing kindness to your fellow human being irrespective of their social-economic status, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, intellectual abilities or any other attributes can bring the ultimate joy in your life. There is no better personal therapy than a dose of unbiased act of kindness to another human being. The injustices, inequities, and other imbalances in the human race may be eradicate by simple acts of kindness. Giving out your heart to a fellow human without no strings attached, expecting no gains in return. The act of giving freely and unconditionally, and impulsively jumping to any occasion of giving, helping, listening, being their for a fellow human, may transform your life for the ultimate joy of being alive. Try it.