Saturday 15 April 2017

Overcome fear of the unknown

I had an experience of about four students who ambushed me along the university corridor. They were complaining loudly on how they will submit their final reflective teaching portfolio. I gave them two options; either they submit a spiral bound document or they write a reflective teaching blog. A blog is easy, faster and cheap to create unlike a hard copy document. Their main problem was to create a blog. It is not a easy thing, so they claimed. We agreed they consult me in the office and I take them through the basics of creating a blog. They were hesitant and pessimist. They wondered how they will attach evidences plus many more imaginary obstacles. They were not ready to do things differently. They did not believe in their potential to do things successfully on their own; they feared venturing into the unknown, in spite of having active Facebook (that are always updated daily), active Whatsapp groups and email accounts..

Sometimes the fear of trying new things make us get stuck doing the old things the wrong way and never progressing. Are you like that?

With some reassurance and guidance, they managed to set up their blogs and they were really overjoyed!!