Saturday 10 February 2018

Conformity Vs Individuality

A number of us fear change or a suspicious of it. Suspicious of the source of change. We are afraid of the unknown. What awaits us if the status quo change? We are comfortable and hence do not what to rattle the comfort we are 'enjoying' even if it is an illusion or its leading us nowhere. We fear thinking outside the main stream thought-line. We stick to the well trodden path and never dare or imagine diverting from the main path or venturing outside. Is it because we fear being labeled? or is it out of fear of rejection. You really do not want to feel lonely and abandoned. We want to be like chicks under the comfort and warmth of the hen's wings.

If the group decides to go west, (read as,  if the leader of the group decides to go west), you fear pointing out that it is more beneficial to head otherwise or stay put. Majority of the group members will see you as a distractor since you are not conforming to the group's ideologies. Your individuality will be tested. Even if within the group there may be a minority who sees your view of thought but will not openly air their opinions and hence end up conforming.

Just as in politics, education, religion, economy and virtually all aspects of life, majority are blinded by the ideologies of their dominant leader and have no time to interrogate such ideas or lack of. The leader maybe in a position to manipulate the thinking of the group due to his perceived  advantages of the rest in terms of say his economic status, education, social status and background, physique (beauty), charisma, origin, ethnicity, race, religion among many others.

Trying to interrogate the line of thinking of the mob may be meant by a myriads of obstacles. Some sensible and other utterly illogical and nonsensical.

So, what next? Even the most schooled, (maybe less educated), will always use theories to justify their conformity at the altar of individuality. Terming unique individuality as a form of abnormality. Hence, do you want to conform and enjoy a sense of belonging. Safety in numbers. Or do you want to air your individuality by pointing things out that you feel are out of sync with the sensible, not necessarily to change their line of thinking but just to let them know you are different and do respect their uniqueness too?

Some of the great ideas and inventions that have changed the world were initiated or were a creation of people who believed in their individuality even when they faced open rejection from the main stream majority.

Reflect on some and interrogate conformity vs individuality.