Saturday 24 March 2018

Preserving 'good image' or just being dishonest?

Today a number of people and institutions thrive on high levels of dishonesty. Surprisingly, higher learning and religious institutions seems to be on the apex of insincerity or dishonesty by the look of events appearing on print and electronic media. A close look into interactions and exchanges in social media reveals a sad story on the height of dishonesty (these are people who are highly schooled and attend a religious institution/gathering at least every week).

We are dishonest even unto oneself. Why? So as not to hurt others? Do we fear if we say the truth we shall hurt or disappoint? Are we motivated to be dishonest since we have a ‘good image’ to protect?  People of ‘high moral’ integrity will go to great lengths to cover the shocking truth (read dishonesty) so as to protect their ‘good image’. Parents, teachers, pastors, priests, politicians, churches, schools etc. will be dishonest so as to maintain the ‘good image’. Unfortunately the guilty conscious will consistently bother them but eventually they find it is normal to be dishonest. The so called, weaklings, the filthy and the wretched of the earth; least schooled, down trodden, filthy poor, (thieves are not in these category since they end up being role models of the world) etc. are among the most honest persons. We cannot forget the children who are the weakest and the most sincere beings in the world. If we can be like children!

Our response to current political, religion, economic,environment, and social issues reflect a society that is not sincere with itself, yet it expect high levels of integrity among its many facets. It is ironical but you will be surprised (if you are learned or religious) to find that people with little or no formal education, and people whom are less religious or are not church goers are the most sincere and free from any pretense. They are the ones who will express their genuine feelings; be it good or bad feelings towards any issues or personalities. They lack pretense and are always ready to air their opinions without coating them for the sake of good personal relationships so as to look civilized, Christian or schooled.

The blame games seen all over are a clear indication of how dishonesty we are with our own selves. It looks ridiculous when one schooled persons blames an institution, when their homes are flooded; yet they constructed them in a river valley in broad daylight. Unless the house was meant to be a hovercraft such that in case of flooding it auto fly, then let you not be surprised by raging floods. Water always follow it course.  Let us listen to expert opinions. And talking of experts, why is it that institutions of higher learning cannot be centers of excellence even in the fields they profess to train the society in? The institutions do offer course in management yet they seems to be struggling in management. We have professors who are ‘expert’ in the fields of sociology, conflict resolutions, disaster management, financial management, planning name it, and yet the same institutions are in dire needs of these services. The institutions are in a pathetic situation, as far as these essential services are concerned. Is it a paradox of the world or is it that we are unable to interrogate our actions? Is it a state of mind or are we not educated enough? Does it make sense to spend 24 years or a quarter a century in school and yet we cannot solve a simple problem like digging drain waters along roads, ensuring the drains are not blocked, building culverts to allow water to pass etc.? Is it worthy to invest in education or churches and yet you are not sincere, honesty?

It all boils to lack of love to your neighbor. A simple act of kindness, sincerity and love to the person next to you, can go a long way to make life comfortable for everybody. How many of us throw sweets rappers or empty water bottles out of the car’s window and yet get surprised when drains are blocked by the same bottles?  Why do we vote in ridiculous leaders and yet expect changes from them? Although one can conclude that bad leaders are elected by equally bad voters. 

What have you done to make your current environment better for you? Start with where you are now and don’t wait for somebody else, do it, and see how the world will change. If you don’t need something don’t get. Learn to share the little you have and you will find that you will never lack. The world has enough for everybody.